Next Steps & Tuition
(Weeks 27 - 30)
Before becoming a Certified Viewenicsâ„¢ Coach (CVC) you will be required to work with an individual (either a client, peer, or TLBCI staff member) in a coaching environment to help you, and him or her, work through real, or mock, situations. Feedback from the person will be evaluated and a written and/or verbal exam will be administered to you by your TLBCI mentor. Once you've passed all your requirements you will become a CVC!
After your graduation we will work with you to help you build a successful practice, and give you guidance as to how to represent yourself and your business in the most productive and profitable manner possible. As an alum of TLBCI we will be there to help and support you every step of the way.
Additional Opportunities
If you choose, you can further you TLBCI education by becomeing a Certified Premier Viewenicsâ„¢ Coach (CPVC) and a Certified Master Viewenicsâ„¢ Coach (CMVC).
The Premier designation requires your attendnce at five online or (if convenient, live) two-hour workshops and testimonials from three clients.
The Master designation requires that you have received your CPVC and your attendance at seven online or (if convenient, live) two-hour workshops, leading a Viewenicsâ„¢ training class, and testimonials from five clients.
TLBCI's Tuition Schedule
TLBCI's tuition includes everything you'll need to complete your CVC program. All books, classes, assessments, and other materials required to complete you certification are included. There are NO HIDDEN COSTS...EVER.
Plus...you receive:
· Marketing support and materials
· All the necessary elements (exercises, programs, workbooks, handouts, etc.) you'll need to
make your transition from students to coach smooth, easy, and efficient.
· 100 coaching prospect leads in your area
· TLBCI staff to answer any questions or concerns as long as you have your practice
· Your designated marketing mentor
· Any updates (in whatever form) that become part of our on-going training
· Our TLBCI Newsletter
· Your practice listed on our website
· Support with building, or enhancing, your own website as well as social networking support
Your tuition for everything listed is $8,495
We have special financing options and incentives available. And...will work with you to help you acheive your goal of becoming a CVC without "breaking your bank." Remember, you also have the ability to leave the course after Semester I, if you feel that TLBCI is not for you, you will not owe us any additional fees execept for the fees for Semester I.
If you choose to take the additional Premier program, the tuition is $2,495.
The Master program tuition is an additional $2,995.
All of the above fees can be fianced through our financing option programs. Incentives are also available for qualified students as well.